About Us
For more than 90 years, Ferro Techniek has been leading the way with our specialist skills in porcelain enamelling.
From the HQ in The Netherlands, we are world leaders in thick film heating elements printed on metal substrates. These heating elements have extreme power densities and low mass, whilst being strong and reliable.
Ferro Techniek is part of the Otter Group with manufacturing facilities for the thick film heating elements and assemblies at Ferro Electronics in Budapest and in the combined Ferro & Otter factory in Southern China.
Thick Film
Ferro Techniek thick film heaters have many distinct advantages. High power density combined with a low thermal mass and the Ferro EFAST system results in an ultra-responsive and reliable heat source. Instant heat eliminates the need for a standby mode in an espresso maker. Ferro heaters are environmental friendly.
Flow Through Heating
To optimise heat transfer from the Ferro heating element, the water is pumped through a channel circulating it over the full element surface. Depending upon the water speed and the wattage this will provide a flow of 93 degC water in seconds for espresso making or a lower specified temperature for a special tea. Using the same FTH & lower water speed it will create steam for heating & frothing milk.
Due to the responsive nature the Ferro FTH will eliminate the need for standby time or storing hot water, improving the energy efficiency of your application.
Thick Film Heating technology is ideal for the rapid start, stop and control of steam.
Ferro Techniek can supply a custom heating element or a complete boiler or a Flow Through Heater which can deliver hot water or steam with no extra components required.
Ferro Techniek offers services to a wide range of markets and industries, such as:
Domestic appliances
Ferro Techniek is successful at applying the benefits of thick film heating to a wide variety of domestic appliances. This may be to reduce energy consumption, or to give high power and speed with accurate control and no burning. The products for the domestic appliance market range from heating elements to full sub-assemblies with temperature control devices.

Professional Catering
Ferro Techniek offer a wide variety of products and technologies for professional catering applications. The products for the professional market range from heating elements to full sub-assemblies with temperature control devices.

The low mass and strong dielectric of Ferro Techniek’s thick film heaters give a unique advantage for the automotive sector. In-particular for Electric Vehicles where it is important to be light and efficient, to heat the battery & the cabin, using high voltage DC. We do not have standard products, each project is customer specific.

The benefits of Ferro Techniek thick film heating technology are not restricted to high volume applications. In 2017 Ferro Techniek set up the Special Products Line to service all industries.

Latest News
The latest news from Ferro Techniek and the Otter Group
Release of the FTH 4
We are very pleased to introduce the FTH 4. This is the most compact and cost effective version of the flow through heater range. It will deliver 97 degC water, from cold, in sub 5 seconds. It can be supplied as a bare heater or with everything included: water fittings, NTC, thermal protection. As a […]

Release of the Vertical Steamer
In response to customer feedback, we have launched the vertical steamer, which has the same features as the horizontal steamer, in a package that is easier to integrate within many ovens. The low mass, twin track, thick film heater gives rapid start stop to the flow of steam & precise control of the volume, up […]

Release of the Flow Through Heater XL
Following the success of the Flow Through Heater MKII Ferro Techniek has launched the FTH XL. This new Flow Through Heater that is also based on thick film technology has a max power of 3400W at 230V. The FTH XL is an instant heater that is able to handle high flow rates at a low […]

Inspiration & Innovation Award High Tech Platform
At the second annual Congress of High Tech Platform, the networking platform for the Dutch manufacturing industry, Ferro Techniek has gained another award with the Flow Through heater 2. During this event three candidates had to pitch their innovation and the audience was asked to vote for the winner. Ferro Techniek finally turned out to […]

Innovation Award
During a four day innovation festival Ferro Techniek won both the jury and audience prizes. We received plenty of applause for The Flow Through Heater mkII, which was the winning contest entry. Quote of the jury: “The FTH 2 fits perfectly in current times as It is a fast and sustainable product….” The Region “Achterhoek” where Ferro Techniek is located is known as a center of manufacturing […]